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You can locate your student's 2024 summer work on the website!

Click here for more details. Please select the grade your child will be entering in September 2024.

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Group 10 Created with Sketch.
"I’ve been studying animals as long as I can remember. I care about them and I care about nature. At Wissahickon, we get to take hikes and you can actually see what my teacher is talking about. Sometimes I know basic facts, but when we go on hikes I get to see those things in person."
— MANNY, 5th Grade Student
Group 10 Created with Sketch.
"Before I came to Wissahickon, I didn’t have as much of an opportunity to read in school... I am pushed at Wissahickon and they make sure I am advancing and learning as much as I can. That’s what really made me grow a lot more. I’ve advanced so many reading levels. A big part is that [before] I didn’t have access to as many books as I do now. When I find the right book, I’m really interested in it and it’s hard for me to put it down"
— NILE, 2017 Graduate