March 6th is the last day of Second Trimester - School is Open!
My mom drops me off at school. Ms. Gordon gives me a high five before I walk in to breakfast. Today we're having a local apple and French Toast sticks--my favorite!
After morning work, we move to the rug for Morning Meeting. We greet each other, share, play a game, and read a message from our teacher.
EL is one of my favorite times of the day. We are learning about tools and how we can use them with habits of character to create a Magnificent Thing for our classroom. I used collaboration, initiative, and classroom tools to create my Magnificent Thing with my group!
I am the Table Captain at lunch today. I will help set the table and serve my friends. At the end of lunch, I lead the clean up.
Today is my day to go to Art. I finished the landscape I've been working on for weeks! My oil pastel is inspired by Monet.