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We're excited to welcome our students back for the 2024-25 school year!

The first day of school for grades 1-8 is Wednesday, August 28. View the school calendar here.

Social Emotional Learning
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At Wissahickon, we believe the social emotional learning in school is as important as the academic learning.  We carve out time daily to help students build community, learn to listen and share, talk through conflict, and more.  

Responsive Classroom

Responsive Classroom (RC) is a research-based approach to K-8 teaching that focuses on the strong link between academic success and social-emotional learning (SEL). We believe that a high-quality education for every child is built on the foundation of a safe and joyful learning community.  Some key components of RC are morning meeting, logical consequences, interactive modeling, and quiet time.

Developmental Designs

Because student success relies on a blend of good relationships, social skills, and engagement with learning, Developmental Designs comprehensive practices integrate social and academic learning.  Developmental Designs structures are designed to meet adolescents' needs for autonomy, competence, relationship, and fun.  Students genuinely enjoy school. They feel connected, heard, empowered, and safe, and academic engagement increases.


Responsive Classroom and Developmental Designs both recognize and use a model that focuses on shared values reflected in the word, "cares." C.A.R.E.S. stands for Collaboration, Academic Excellence, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self-Reflection. C.A.R.E.S. values are discussed and referred to daily throughout both sites.

Talk It Out

Conflicts in school and in life are inevitable.  At Wissahickon, all students  are taught how to work through conflict with peers by following a process of listening, sharing, and working together to problem solve. Â